‘महिला अनुसन्धाता कार्यशाला – २०८०’ का लागि छनोट भएका अनुसन्धान पत्रको सार (एब्स्ट्राक्ट) को सूची
कार्यशाला आयोजक समितिले ‘महिला अनुसन्धाता कार्यशाला – २०८०’ का लागि छनोट भएका अनुसन्धान पत्रको सार (एब्स्ट्राक्ट) को सूची यस प्रकार छ ।
कार्यशाला चैत ४, २०८० (मार्च १७, २०२४) मा मार्टिन चौतारीको सभाकक्षमा हुनेछ ।
एब्स्ट्राक्ट छनोट भएका अनुसन्धाताले कम्तिमा ४,००० शब्दको अनुसन्धान पत्र फागुन १८, २०८० (मार्च १, २०२४) बिहान १० बजे सम्ममा बुझाउनु पर्नेछ ।
S.N. | Title/Authors |
1 | Blending of Both Masculinity and Femininity : Female Hero in Tshering Rhitar Sherpa’s Uma Nirjala Adhikari, MPhil-PhD Scholar, Central Department of English, TU |
2 | Status of Participation of Women in Local Government Nabina Sapkota, MPhil-PhD Scholar, Department of Social Work, TU |
3 | Experience of Madheshi Women in the Feminist Movement in Nepal Ranju Kumari Yadav, MPhil-PhD Scholar, Department of Gender Studies, TU |
4 | Women’s Dress, Red Colour Movement and Change among Widow Women Sapana Panday, MPhil-PhD Scholar, Department of Social Work, TU |
5 | Women Perception on Inheritance of Parental Property in Nepal Pooja Shrestha, MPhil-PhD Scholar, Department of Gender Studies, TU |
6 | Unveiling Motherhood: Navigating Cultural Narratives and Personal Journeys Bibeka Thapa, PhD Candidate, Department of Gender Studies, TU |
7 | जेष्ठ नागरिक सम्मान तथा संरक्षणका सवाल लक्ष्मी बाला, एमफिल शोधार्थी, समाजशास्त्र केन्द्रीय विभाग, त्रिवि |
8 | Girls and Young Women in STEM Careers Saru Gosai |
9 | Factors Affecting Exclusive Breastfeeding among Working Mothers of Melamchi VDC, Nepal Sunita Bhukhaju Shrestha, MPhil-PhD Scholar, Department of Gender Studies, TU |
10 | Reconceptualizing Disaster Risk Saurabhi Niroula, Jamsetji Tata School of Disaster Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences |
11 | Menstrual Hygiene Management and Academic Performances in School Girls of Dolpa District, Nepal Narayanee Thakulla, MPhil Student, Nepal Open University |
12 | Review of Phased Out Women Development Programme (1981-2023) in Nepal Shanta Adhikari Bhattarai, MPhil-PhD Scholar, Department of Gender Studies, TU |
13 | Teachers’ Experience of Using Digital Technology in Implementation of Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities in Kathmandu Valley Ristha Shrestha, MA in Sociology, Patan Multiple Campus |
14 | Reconstruction of Hegemonic Gender Beliefs through Fairy Tales: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Nepali Version of “Hansel and Gretel” Sarita Laudari, MPhil-PhD Scholar, Department of Gender Studies, TU |
15 | Professionals Views on Rape: A Study from Nepal Jamuna Siwakoti, MPhil-PhD Scholar, Department of Gender Studies, TU |
16 | Women’s Movement for Sustainable Strategies of Governments to Protect Land and Residence from Flood Tara Khanal, MPhil-PhD Scholar, Central Department of Sociology, TU |
17 | Pattern of Usage of Old Age Allowance Anima Shrestha, MPhil-PhD Scholar, Department of Social Work, TU |
18 | Barriers to Economic Empowerment of Female Farmers in Nepal Savanta Thapa, MPhil-PhD Scholar, Department of Gender Studies, TU |
19 | Exploring the Need of Early Childhood Education for Children of Prisoners in Nepal Brinda Bhattacharya, Lecturer, Thames International College |
20 | Women Voices in Political Discourse of Nepali Social Media Platforms Smriti Dhungana, Political Investigative Correspondent, Nepal Republic Media |
21 | महिलाका कामको खोजी गर्ने अनुसन्धानात्मक कृती ‘स्नेहलता : जीवनकथाका पानाहरू’ शान्ताकुमारी बस्याल |
22 | दलित महिलाको राजनीतिक पहुँचको अवस्था सीता बि.क., पत्रकार, जागरण मिडिया सेन्टर |
23 | बलात्कारका घटनालाई नेपालका राष्ट्रिय दैनिकले कसरी प्रस्तुत गर्छन् ? करुणा देवकोटा, को-फाउण्डर/कन्टेन्ट क्रियटर, गुलाबी सम्वाद |
24 | School Teachers’ Awareness and Capability Enhancement Approaches Regarding Disaster Management in Kathmandu, Nepal Dil Kumari Karki, MPhil-PhD Scholar, Department of Gender Studies, TU |
25 | Knowledge and Practice of Exclusive Breastfeeding and Its Factors among Job Holder Mothers of Lalitpur Metropolitan City Hasina Shrestha, MA in Psychology, TU |
26 | Demons in Newar Folklore and Festivals Rasmi Khagi, MPhil in English, Institute of Advanced Communication, Education, and Research (IACER) |
27 | राजनीतिमा दलित महिला : चुनौती र सहभागिता सिर्जना कोइराला, पोस्ट ग्राजुयट डिप्लोमा, विमेन स्टडिज, पद्मकन्या बहुमुखी क्याम्पस |
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