Pratyoush Onta

Pratyoush Onta is a historian based at Martin Chautari. He has written about Nepali nationalism, Gurkha history, institutions, area studies, the politics of knowledge production, media and education. He is the founding editor of the journals Studies in Nepali History and Society (est. 1996) and Media Adhyayan (est. 2006, in Nepali; now renamed Samaj Adhyayan).
2024a. Nepal in the Long 1950s. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Co-edited volume.
2024b. Samaj Adhyayan (Society Studies) 19. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2023a. Financial Aspects of School Education. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2023b. Samaj Adhyayan (Society Studies) 18. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2022a. School Education in Nepal: Communitization, Federalization and Disaster. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2022b. Samaj Adhyayan (Society Studies) 17. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2022c. School Education in Nepal: History, Politics and Society. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2021a. Samaj Adhyayan (Society Studies) 16. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2021b. Samanatako Relay Daud (Relay Race for Equality). Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2021c. School Education in Nepal: History and Politics of Governance and Reforms. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Co-edited volume.
2020a. Civil Society in a Loktantrik Polity: Re-assessing 25 Years of Experiences. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2020b. Samaj Adhyayan (Society Studies) 15. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2019. Samaj Adhyayan (Society Studies) 14. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2018. Samaj Adhyayan (Society Studies)13. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2017a. Samaj Adhyayan (Society Studies) 12. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2017b. Political Change and Public Culture in Post-1990 Nepal. New Delhi: Cambridge University Press. Co-edited volume.
2016. Samaj Adhyayan (Society Studies) 11. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2015. Media Adhyayan (Media Studies) 10. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2014a. The State of History Education and Research in Nepal. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari Co-authored.
2014b. Media Adhyayan (Media Studies) 9. Kathmandu: Bhrikuti Academic Publishers. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2013a. Media Adhyayan (Media Studies) 8. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2013b. 25 Years of Nepali Magazines. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2012a. Autocratic Monarchy: Politics in Panchayat Nepal by L.S. Baral. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Co-edited volume.
2012b. Media Adhyayan (Media Studies) 7. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2011. Media Adhyayan (Media Studies) 6. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Coedited volume (in Nepali).
2010. Media Adhyayan (Media Studies) 5. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Coedited volume (in Nepali).
2009. Media Adhyayan (Media Studies) 4. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Coedited volume (in Nepali).
2008a. Media Adhyayan (Media Studies) 3. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2008b. Socially Inclusive Media. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Coedited volume (in Nepali).
2008c. Ten Years of Independent Radio: Development, Debates and the Public Interest. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2007. Media Adhyayan (Media Studies) 2. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Coedited volume (in Nepali).
2006a. Media Adhyayan (Media Studies) 1. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Co-edited volume (in Nepali)
2006b. Mass Media in Post-1990 Nepal. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari.
2005a. Growing up with Radio: Listening Experiences of Three Generations of Nepalis. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2005b. Radio Journalism: News and Talk Programmes in FM. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2004a. Nepal Studies in the UK: Conversations with Practitioners. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari.
2004b. Social Scientific Thinking in the Context of Nepal. Kathmandu: Social Science Baha. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2004c. The Social History of Radio Nepal. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2003a. Nepali Media Bibliography. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari and Centre for Social Research and Development. Co-edited volume (in Nepali and English).
2003b. Analyses of Media: Some Social Contexts. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari and Centre for Social Research and Development. Coedited volume (in Nepali).
2003c. Media Production and Contents. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari and Centre for Social Research and Development. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2002a. Regional Media: Its History and Present Status. Kathmandu: Centre for Social Research and Development. Edited volume (in Nepali).
2002b. Media Contents: Various Analyses. Kathmandu: Centre for Social Research and Development. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2002c. Local Radio. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari and Nepal Press Institute. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2001a. Dalits and Janajatis in the Nepali Media. Kathmandu: Ekta Books. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2001b. Dalits in Print. Kathmandu: Ekta Books. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2001c. Janajatis (Ethnic Minorities) in Print. Kathmandu: Ekta Books. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
1999. Women in Print: A Reference Reader. Kathmandu: Nepal Press Institute. Co-edited volume (in Nepali).
2024a. Visions of Rejuvenating Nepal through Knowledge Creation and Circulation: Ambitious Founders and the Short Life of Nepal Sanskritik Parishad. In Nepal in the Long 1950s. Pratyoush Onta, Lokranjan Parajuli and Mark Liechty, eds., pp. 139-202.Kathmandu: Martin Chautari.
2024b. Introduction – History of Nepal in the Long 1950s: Some New Perspectives. In Nepal in the Long 1950s. Pratyoush Onta, Lokranjan Parajuli and Mark Liechty, eds., pp. 1-21. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari (co-written).
2023. Introduction: The Politics of Investment in Public School Education. In Financial Aspects of School Education. Lokranjan Parajuli, Devendra Uprety and Pratyoush Onta, eds, pp. 1–30. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari (in Nepali, co-written).
2022a. Introduction: School Education in Nepal: A Few Contemporary Issues. In School Education in Nepal: Communitization, Federalism and Disaster. Devendra Uprety, Lokranjan Parajuli and Pratyoush Onta, eds., pp. 1–11. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari (in Nepali, co-written).
2022b. Introduction: History of the Spread of Public Education in Nepal. In School Education in Nepal: History, Politics and Society. Lokranjan Parajuli, Pratyoush Onta and Devendra Uprety, eds. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari (in Nepali, co-written).
2022c. Learning How the People of Nepal Feel About Education: The Survey Done by the Nepal National Education Planning Commission, 1954. Studies in Nepali History and Society 27(2): 409–464 (co-written).
2021a. (Almost) Always Occasional: The World of Sociology and Anthropology Journals Published from Nepal. In Practices of Sociology in Nepal. Pranab Kharel and Gaurab K.C., eds., pp. 79–119. Kathmandu: Vajra Books.
2021b. Introduction: The Politics of Educating the Public: A Brief Historial Sketch. In School Education in Nepal: History and Politics of Governance and Reforms. Lokranjan Parajuli, Devendra Uprety and Pratyoush Onta, eds., pp. 1–33. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari (co-written).
2020. Civil Society: Concept and Nepali Practice. In Civil Society in a Loktantrik Polity: Re-assessing 25 Years of Experiences. Harsha Man Maharjan, Devraj Humagain, Pratyoush Onta, Lokranjan Parajuli and Devendra Uprety, eds., pp. 3–41. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari (in Nepali, co-written).
2019 Nepal: Cultural Politics in the Long 1950s. Studies in Nepali History and Society 24(1): 1–15 (co-written).
2017a. Introduction. In Political Change and Public Culture in Post-1990 Nepal. Michael Hutt and Pratyoush Onta, eds., pp. 1–12. Delhi: Cambridge University Press (co-written).
2017b. Janajati Magazines and the Contents of the Subaltern Counterpublic Sphere during the 1990s. In Political Change and Public Culture in Post-1990 Nepal. Michael Hutt and Pratyoush Onta, eds., pp. 99–123. Delhi: Cambridge University Press (co-written).
2015a. Does Academia Matter to the Shaping of Mutual Perceptions in South Asia? In India and South Asia: Exploring Regional Perceptions. Vishal Chandra, ed., pp. 3–17. New Delhi: Pentagon Press.
2015b. Coverage of Higher Education in Print Media: A Short Commentary. Media Adhyayan 10: 151–170 (in Nepali, co-written).
2015c. The Ordinary Early Life of a Prolific Janajāti Activist-Academic. Studies in Nepali History and Society 20(2): 351–373.
2014a. Nepal. In Pathways to Power: The Domestic Politics of South Asia. Arjun Guneratne and Anita Weiss, eds., pp. 283–343. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield. (co-written)
2014b. Expansion of the Public Sphere amidst Market Challenges: Janajati Magazines in Nepal in the 1990s. In The Politics of Ethnicity in India, Nepal and China. Marine Carrin, Pralay Kanungo and Gérard Toffin, eds., pp. 255–277. New Delhi: Primus Books.
2013a. Preface. In Bhat ra Pani. Kamal Dixit, pp. ka–gha. Patan: Jagadamba Prakashan (in Nepali).
2013b. Introduction: Nepali Magazines since 1990. In 25 Years of Nepali Magazines. Arjun Panthi, Pratyoush Onta and Harsha Man Maharjan, eds., pp. 1–26. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari (in Nepali, co-written).
2013c. Janajati Magazines: Attempts at Creating an Inclusive Public Sphere. In 25 Years of Nepali Magazines. Arjun Panthi, Pratyoush Onta and Harsha Man Maharjan, eds., pp. 241–280. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari (in Nepali, co-written).
2012. Life and Writings of L.S. Baral. In Autocratic Monarchy: Politics in Panchayat Nepal. by L.S. Baral. Pratyoush Onta and Lokranjan Parajuli, eds., pp. 1–53. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari (co-written).
2011. Locating Academic NGOs in the Knowledge Production Landscape. Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology 5: 49–80.
2010a. Bibliography of Academic Writings and Reflections on Social Science Research in Nepal. Himalayan Journal of Sociology and Anthropology 4: 177–205.
2010b. The Landscape of Social Science and Humanities Journals Published from Nepal: An Analysis of its Structural Characteristics. Studies in Nepali History and Society 15(2): 331–380.
2009. Independent Radio and Public Engagement in Nepal, 1997–2007. Studies in Nepali History and Society 14(2): 335–366.
2008a. Socially Inclusive Media: Outline of the Debate. In Socially Inclusive Media. Pratyoush Onta, Harsha Man Maharjan and Shekhar Parajulee, eds., pp. 1–35. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari (in Nepali).
2008b. Independent Radios and Their Listeners: Some Points for a Debate. Media Adhyayan 3: 59–81 (in Nepali).
2008c. Social Inclusion in the Nepali Media: A Framework for a Debate. In Social Inclusion: Political Parties, State and the Media. Anubhav Ajeet, ed., pp. 119–153. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari (in Nepali).
2008d. Unrecognized by Law: Nepal’s Community Radios. Samhita 2: 34–40 (in Nepali, co-written).
2006. The Growth of the Ādivāsī Janajāti Movement in Nepal after 1990: The Non-Political Institutional Agents. Studies in Nepali History and Society 11(2): 303–354.
2005a. Country Study: Nepal. In War of Words: Conflict and Freedom of Expression in South Asia. London: ARTICLE 19.
2005b. Studying Radio Journalism. In Radio Journalism: News and Talk Programmes in FM. Pratyoush Onta, Shekhar Parajulee, Devraj Humagain, Komal Bhatta and Krishna Adhikari, eds., pp. 60–83. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari (in Nepali, co-written).
2005c. Training the Next Generation of Social Scientists: The Role of Academic NGOs. Rupantaran 2: 1–17 (in Nepali).
2005d. Public Perceptions of the School Leaving Certificate (SLC) Examinations in Nepal: A Study Based on Print Media Coverage. Report No. 9 of Study on Student Performance in SLC. Ministry of Education and Sports, HMG and ESAT.
2005e. The Politics of Publishing: A Case Study from Nepal. Anthropology Matters 7(2): page not mentioned (co-written).
2004a. Introduction. In Nepal Studies in the UK: Conversations with Practitioners. Pp. ix–xlii. Pratyoush Onta. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari.
2004b. Democracy and Duplicity: The Maoists and Their Interlocuters in Nepal. In Himalayan ‘People’s War’: Nepal’s Maoist Rebellion. Michael Hutt, ed., pp. 136–151. London: Hurst and Co.
2004c. Introduction. In Social Scientific Thinking in the Context of Nepal. Mary Des Chene and Pratyoush Onta, eds., pp. xv–xvii. Kathmandu: Social Science Baha (in Nepali).
2004d. Media and Liberal Democracy. In Social Scientific Thinking in the Context of Nepal. Mary Des Chene and Pratyoush Onta, eds., pp. 575–596. Kathmandu: Social Science Baha (in Nepali).
2004e. Teaching the Canon? Reflections on Anthropology’s Responsibilities. In Teaching Rites and Wrongs: Universities and the Making of Anthropologists. David Mills and Mark Harris, eds., pp. 133–144. Birmingham: Centre for Learning and Teaching Sociology, Anthropology and Politics (C-SAP) (co-written).
2004f. Introduction. In The Social History of Radio Nepal. Pratyoush Onta, Shekhar Parajulee, Devraj Humagain, Krishna Adhikari and Komal Bhatta, eds., pp. 1–32. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari (in Nepali, co-written).
2004g. Nepali experience of Radio before Radio Nepal. In The Social History of Radio Nepal. Pratyoush Onta, Shekhar Parajulee, Devraj Humagain, Krishna Adhikari and Komal Bhatta, eds., pp. 35–54. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari (in Nepali).
2004h. Promoting Panchayat: Radio Nepal, v.s. 2017–2022. In The Social History of Radio Nepal. Pratyoush Onta, Shekhar Parajulee, Devraj Humagain, Krishna Adhikari and Komal Bhatta, eds., pp. 165–175. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari (in Nepali).
2003a. Preface: Media Studies: Our Efforts. In Analyses of Media: Some Social Contexts. Pratyoush Onta and Ramesh Parajuli, eds., pp. 9–13. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari and Centre for Social Research and Development (in Nepali, co-written).
2003b. Introduction. In Media Production and Contents. Ramesh Parajuli and Pratyoush Onta, eds., pp. 9–21. Kathmandu: Martin Chautari and Centre for Social Research and Development (in Nepali, co-written).
2003c. The Death of a People’s Historian: Mahesh Chandra Regmi (1929–2003). Himal South Asian 16(8): 46–50.
2003d. The Institutional Future of Academic History in Nepal. Studies in Nepali History and Society 8(1): 125–156.
2003e. Nepal Studies in the UK: Interview with Lionel Caplan. Studies in Nepali History and Society 8(1): 173–184.
2002a. Introduction: Studying Regional Media. In Regional Media: Its History and Present Status. Pratyoush Onta, ed., pp. 7–10. Kathmandu: Centre for Social Research and Development (in Nepali).
2002b. Introduction. In Media Contents: Various Analyses. Pratyoush Onta, Ramesh Parajuli and Rama Parajuli, eds., 1–11. Kathmandu: Centre for Social Research and Development (in Nepali, co-written).
2002c. Critiquing the Media Boom. In State of Nepal . Kanak Mani Dixit and Shastri Ramachandaran, eds., pp. 253–269. Kathmandu: Himal Books.
2002d. Introduction. In Local Radio. Pratyoush Onta and Raghu Mainali, eds., pp. 9–12. Kathmandu: Nepal Press Institute. (in Nepali, co-written).
2002e. Public Radio and Social Movements: In Search of Effective Institutional Structures. In Local Radio. Pratyoush Onta and Raghu Mainali, eds., pp. 85–96. Kathmandu: Nepal Press Institute. (in Nepali).
2002f. FM Radio: A Bibliography. In Local Radio. Pratyoush Onta and Raghu Mainali, eds., pp. 149–156. Kathmandu: Nepal Press Institute. (in Nepali, co-compiled)
2001a. Nepal: A Striving for Dignity. In The South Asian Century 1900–1999. Zubeida Mustafa, ed., pp. 114–123. Karachi: Oxford University Press.
2001b. FM Radio and the New Urban Public in Nepal. In Sarai Reader 01: The Public Domain. Pp 6–79. Delhi: Sarai, The New Media Initiative, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies.
2001c. Regional Area Studies in South Asia: Dark Days Ahead. Nepali Journal of Contemporary Studies, 1(2): 60–89.
2001d. The Present Status of Nepali Media. In Dalits and Janajatis in the Nepali Media. Pratyoush Onta and Shekhar Parajulee, eds., pp. 11–15. Kathmandu: Ekta Books (in Nepali).
2001e. Dalits in Print: How Was It Put Together? Why Was It Put Together? In Dalits in Print. Pratyoush Onta, Pramod Bhatta, Bidyanath Koirala, Khagendra Sangraula and CK Lal, eds., pp. 17–20. Kathmandu: Ekta Books (in Nepali, co-written).
2001f. Why Janajatis in Print? In Janajatis in Print. Pratyoush Onta, Kumar Yatru and Bhaskar Gautam, eds., pp. 11–12. Kathmandu: Ekta Books (in Nepali, co-written).
2001g. Commentary on the paper ‘The Global Media, the Probe Commission and the Assassination of Nepal’s Royal Family: Questions Unasked and Unanswered’ by Bipin Adhikari and S.B. Mathe. Himalayan Research Bulletin 21(1): 56–57.
2001h. Regional Scholarship in South Asia: A Bleak Future. In Asianizing Asia: Reflexivity, History and Identity. Pp. 242–268. Bangkok: Asia Fellows Program.
2001i. The Print Media in Nepal since 1990: Impressive Growth and Institutional Challenges. Studies in Nepali History and Society 6(2): 331–346.
2000a. Some Possible Interventions in the Author-Publisher-Reader Triangle to Boost Nepal’s Publishing Industry. In Book Publishing Industry in Nepal: Problems and Prospects. Pp. 77–86. Kathmandu: National Booksellers and Publishers Association of Nepal.
2000b. Before Saying What Civil Society Can do to Help Nepal’s Disadvantaged People, Spare a Minute for Critical Self-Reflection. In The Institutionalization of Democratic Polity in Nepal. Khadga K.C., ed., pp. 111–116. Pokhara: Prithwi Narayan Campus.
2000c. Nepal Education: Finding a Ray of Hope. Economic and Political Weekly 35(47): 4093–4096.
1999a. The Career of Bhanubhakta as a History of Nepali National Culture, 1940–1999. Studies in Nepal History and Society 4(1): 65–136.
1999b. Editorial: Reflections on SINHAS, Past and Future. Studies in Nepali History and Society 4(1): 1–3. (co-written).
1999c. Nepali Media and Pro-Women Analysis. In Women in Print: A Reference Reader. Kathmandu: Nepal Press Institute (co-written, in Nepali).
1998-99. Photographic Consumption in Kathmandu, c. 1863–1960. European Bulletin of Himalayan Research 15–16: 59–68.
1998a. A Suggestive History of the First Century of Photographic Consumption in Kathmandu. Studies in Nepali History and Society 3(1): 181–212.
1998b. Where is the ‘SAARC Process’ in Academia? Himal 11(3): 24–27.
1997a. Activities in a ‘Fossil State’: Balkrishna Sama and the Improvisation of Nepali Identity. Studies in Nepali History and Society 2(1): 69–102.
1997b. Editorial: Writing and Reading about Nepal. Studies in Nepali History and Society 2(1): 1–4 (co-written).
1996a. Creating a Brave Nepali Nation in British India: The Rhetoric of Jāti Improvement, Rediscovery of Bhanubhakta and the Writing of Bīr History. Studies in Nepali History and Society 1(1): 37–76.
1996b. Ambivalence Denied: The Making of Rashtriya Itihas in Panchayat Era Textbooks. Contributions to Nepalese Studies 23(1): 213–254.
1995. Whither Scholarship on Nepal in the Nineties? Contributions to Nepalese Studies 22(2)): 213–223 (co-written).
1994. Rich Possibilities: Notes on Social History in Nepal. Contributions to Nepalese Studies 21(1): 1–43.
Book Reviews
2014. Mahendra Man Singh. Forever Incomplete: The Story of Nepal. In Studies in Nepali History and Society 19(1): 195–199.
2004. Binod Bhattarai. Nepali Press under Emergency: A Survey of the First Six Months. In Nation Weekly, 22 August, p. 57.
2003a. Deepak Thapa with Bandana Sijapati. A Kingdom under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003. In The Kathmandu Post, 19 October, p. 6.
2003b. Deepak Thapa with Bandana Sijapati. A Kingdom under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003. In Studies in Nepali History and Society 8(2): 389–392.
2001a. Dipankar Banerjee, ed. Security Studies in South Asia. In The Kathmandu Post Review of Books, 11 February, p. 4.
2001b. Navnita C Behera et al. People to People Contact in South Asia. In Himal South Asian 14(3): 48–50.
2001c. P. Kharel, ed. Media Nepal 2000. In The Book Review, March.
2001d. Ghatam Bhadra et al., eds. Subaltern Studies X. In The Kathmandu Post Review of Books, 25 March, p. 4.
2001e. Michael Hutt. Modern Literary Nepali: An Introductory Reader. In Nepali Times, 27 July, p. 17.
2001f. Gautam Bhadra et al., eds. Subaltern Studies X. In The Journal of Asian Studies 60(4): 1216–1217.
2000a. P. Kharel, ed. Media Nepal 2000. In The Kathmandu Post Review of Books, vol. 5, no.3., 14 May.
2000b. André Betéille. Chronicles of Our Time. In The Kathmandu Post Review of Books, vol. 5, no. 6, 25 June.
2000c. Jonathan Schell. The Fate of the Earth. In The Kathmandu Post Review of Books, vol 5, no. 9, 13 August.
2000d. Sherry B. Ortner. Life and Death on Mt. Everest. In The Kathmandu Post Review of Books, vol. 5, no. 12, 24 September.
2000e. Willem van Schndel, Wolfgang Mey & Aditya Kumar Dewan. The Chittagong Hill Tracts: Living in a Borderland. In Himal South Asian 13(10): 42–43.
2000f. Ankush B. Sawant, ed. Area Studies Programmes in Indian Universities: An Appraisal and Review. In The Kathmandu Post Review of Books, vol. 5, no. 13, 22 October.
2000g. M.S.Rajan, ed. International and Area Studies in India. In The Kathmandu Post Review of Books, vol. 5, no. 13, 22 October.
1999a. Narendraraj Prasai and Indira Prasai, eds. Euta Amar Pragya Balkrishna Sama. In The Kathmandu Post Review of Books, vol. 4, no. 18.
1999b. Ghataraj Bhattarai, ed. Mahakabi Devkotaka Anibani. In The Kathmandu Post Review of Books, vol. 4, no. 18.
1999c. Narendraraj Prasai and Indira Prasai, eds. Rudraraj Pandey: Sristi ra Dristi. In The Kathmandu Post Review of Books, vol. 4, no. 18.
1999d. Khagendra Sangraula. Junkiriko Sangit. In Bikas 8(15): 76–78 (in Nepali).
1999e. The magazine Asmita. In The Kathmandu Post Review of Books, vol. 4, no. 8.
1998a. UMN's Pipal Pustak series. In Himal 8(2): 35 (in Nepali).
1998b. Susanne von der Heide, ed. Changing Faces of Nepal. In The Kathmandu Post Review of Books, vol. 3, no. 10.
1998c. Kurt Meyer and Pamela Deuel, eds. Mahabharata: The Tharu Barka Naach. In The Kathmandu Post Review of Books, vol. 3, no. 12 (with Rama Parajuli)
1998d. Daniel J Miller. Fields of Grass: Portraits of the Pastoral Landscape and Nomads of the Tibetan Plateau and Himalayas. In The Kathmandu Post Review of Books, vol 3, no. 17.
1997a. Madanmani Dixit. Aanandamaya Aakaash. In Kathmandu Today 1(9): 38 (in Nepali).
1997b. Purushottam Banskota. The Gurkha Connection. In Modern Asian Studies 31(2): 445–448.
1997c. Nagendra Sharma. Tarka Bitarka. In Himal 7(3): 45 (in Nepali).
1996a. Lionel Caplan. Warrior Gentlemen: “Gurkhas” in the Western Imagination. In Everest Herald, 18 April.
1996b. Adrian Sever. Aspects of Modern Nepalese History. In Everest Herald. 2 May.
1996c. Amod Bhattarai. Kojh ra Tippani. In Everest Herald. 30 May.
1996d. Richard Burghart. The Conditions of Listening: Essays on Religion, History and Politics in South Asia. In Himal South Asian 9(5): 44–45.
1996e. Narayan Dhakal. Tin Sambatsar. In The Kathmandu Post 25 August.
1996f. Kedar Sharma. Aadhuniktasanga Savadhan. In Face to Face no. 9, October/November, pp. 40–41.
1996g. The journal Pahad. In Himal 6(2/3): 33 (in Nepali).
1996h. The magazine Deurali. In Himal 6(1): 25–26 (in Nepali).
1994a. James F. Fisher. Sherpas: Reflections on Change in Himalayan Nepal. In Indian Economic and Social History Review 31(2): 252–254.
1994b. Toni Hagen. Building Bridges to the Third World: Memories of Nepal 1950–1992. In The Independent, 6 April.
1994c. Tulsi Ram Vaidya. Tri Ratna Manandhar and Shankar Lal Joshi, Social History of Nepal. In Spotlight, 6 May.
1994d. Ram Man Trishit. Chhitijko Prishtabhumi. In The Independent 18 May.
1994e. Rajesh Gautam and Asoke K. Thapa-Magar. Tribal Ethnography of Nepal, 2 vols. In The Independent, 1 June.
1994f. Pico Iyer. Falling Off the Map. In Spotlight 17 June.
1994g. Tri Ratna Manandhar. Nepalko Itihasma Jung Bahadur. In The Kathmandu Post, 19 June.
1994h. The journals Adarsa and European Bulletin of Himalayan Research. In Spotlight, 9 September.
1994i. The magazine Attitudes. In The Kathmandu Post, 13 November.
1994j. Adrian Sever. Nepal Under the Ranas. In Indian Economic and Social History Review 31(4): 540–541.
1994k. Prakash A. Raj. Portraits & Photographs from Nepal. In The Rising Nepal. 9 December, p. iii.
1993a. Krishna Ghimere. Forest Or Farm? The Politics of Poverty and Land Hunger in Nepal. In Seminar 406: 63–65.
1993b. B.D. Sanwal. Social and Political History of Nepal. In Spotlight 26 November.
1992. Rishikesh Shah. Politics in Nepal 1980–1991 and Three Decades and Two Kings 1960-90. In Contributions to Nepalese Studies 19(2): 309–321.