Enhancing the Capacity of Rights-based Advocates (Phase-I)

Since its inception, one of the core activities of Martin Chautari (MC) has been to provide a platform for informed discussions and research.

Enhancing the Capacity of Rights-based Advocates (RBA)

Since its inception, one of the core activities of Martin Chautari (MC) has been to provide a platform for informed discussions and research, both in the domain of academia and para-academia. In the domain of research, MC has been engaged in capacity building activities in various ways. In this project, MC seeks to enhance the research capacity of what we have called "barefoot researchers" (BR) or research based advocates so that they can expand the horizons of their civic engagements in their regions and beyond. Capacity building of BRs will be supported via introduction to relevant literature, research mentoring and writing workshops as well as editorial support. The project has three components: (a) the institutional assessments of BRs and academics in the three districts (Nawalparasi, Rupandehi and Kapilvastu) of the central Tarai; (b) academic workshop, writing and technical research training to individual researchers from these three districts; (c) the publication of reports, policy papers and an edited volume. This is a collaborative project which Martin Chautari is executing in close partnership with the Madhes Human Rights Home (Mahuri Home) based in Kapilvastu, Nepal.


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मार्टिन चौतारीले यूएनडीपी नेपालसँगको सहकार्यमा सन् २०६२/६३ (सन् २००६) यता नेपालको शान्ति स्थापनार्थ भएका प्रयासबारे अनुसन्धान गर्न नेपाली शोधार्थी/अनुसन्धातालाई फेलोसिप प्रदान गरेको छ ।


Martin Chautari’s work on media encompasses all five aspects of the institution’s work domains.
Higher Education

Higher Education

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Enhancing the Capacity of Rights-based Advocates (Phase-II)

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Promoting the Environment for Further Deepening of Democracy in Nepal

Promoting the Environment for Further Deepening of Democracy in Nepal

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