Inclusion in Political Parties and Government

- Deepak Thapa, Dhruba Simkhada

Discussion Type: Research Seminar Series | Date: 22 Nov 2015 | Time: 03:00 PM


The public discourse on social inclusion came centre-stage in the early 2000s, and in the immediate aftermath of the 2006 Second People’s Movement, a number of steps were taken to introduce various inclusive provisions in the public sphere, most notably with the quota system in the election to the two constituent assemblies and the introduction of reservations in the civil service. The key actors in these developments, the political parties, however, have remained quite opaque in adopting a similar standard within their own organisations. This presentation will look at the situation of inclusion within some of the major political parties and provide a historical perspective on the issue while also examining how socially representative government cabinets have been since 1951.

- Deepak Thapa, Dhruba Simkhada

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