Nepal's Energy Mix: Why and How?

- Suman Basnet

Discussion Type: Mangalbaarey | Date: 27 Feb 2024 | Time: 03:00 PM


27 February 2024/१५ फागुन २०८० (मंगलबार, दिउँसो ३ बजे)
Nepal's Energy Mix: Why and How?
Suman Basnet, Team Leader, Nepal Renewable Energy Programme

About the Speaker:
Suman Basnet, with 35+ years in renewable energy, serves as Team Leader of the Nepal Renewable Energy Programme. Previously, he was an independent consultant, Social and Environment Director at SN Power Nepal, and held senior positions at Butwal Power Company, Winrock International, and UNDP. Basnet holds an MSc in Energy Policy and an MBA.

- Suman Basnet

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