Reading Seminar on Science, Technology and Society/Policy: Search for Interdisciplinary Perspectives with Sohan P. Sha
- Sohan Prasad Sha
Discussion Type: Reading Seminar |
Date: 31 Oct 2018 |
Time: 10:57 AM
Reading Seminar on Science, Technology and
Society/Policy: Search for Interdisciplinary Perspectives
With Sohan Prasad Sha
Organized by Martin Chautari in Collaboration with Colloquium on Philosophy of Science and Sociology of Technology, NAST
By Dipak Gyawali: Introductory session with the participants and the discussion over tea at Martin Chautari.
1. STS and Scientific Controversy
- Felt, Ulrike., Fouché, Rayvon., Miller, Clark. A., & Smith-Doerr, Laurel. (Eds.). (2016). The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies. USA: MIT Press. 1–26 (Introduction to 4th edition of STS handbook), 27–30 (Doing, Exploring and Reflection on Methods), 31–57 (STS as Method by John Law)
- Callon, Michel. (1986). The Sociology of an Actor-Network: The case of the Electric Vehicle. In Micheal Callon, John Law & Arie Rip (Eds.), Mapping the Dynamics of Science and Technology (Sociology of Science in the Real World) (pp. 19–34). London: The Macmillan Press.
- Pandey, Ashok Raj. (2017). Whither electric Vehicles?. In Dipak Gyawali, Micheal Thompson and Marco Verweij (Eds.), Aid, Technology and Development: The Lessons from Nepal (pp.95–113). New York: Routledge.
2. STS and Promises of Techno sciences
- Borup, Mads., Brown, Nik., Konrad, Kornelia., & Van Lente, Harri. (2006). The sociology of expectations in science and technology. Technology analysis & strategic management, 18(3-4), 285–298.
- Nepal, Mani., Nepal, Apsara., & Grimsrud, Kristine. (2011). Unbelievable but Improved Cookstoves are not helpful in reducing firewood demand in Nepal. Environment and Development Economics, 16(1), 1–23.
- Quet, Mathieu. (2015). It will be a disaster! How people protest against things which have not yet happened. Public Understanding of Science, 24(2), 210–224.
- Pigg, Stacy Leigh. (2001). Languages of sex and AIDS in Nepal: Notes on the Social Production of Commensurability. Cultural Anthropology, 16(4), 481–541.
3. STS and Laboratory Life/Social Construction of Science
- Latour, Bruno., & Woolgar, Steve. (1986). Laboratory life: The Construction of Scientific Facts. Princeton University Press (second edition). 15–42.
- Pinch, Trevor. J., & Bijker, Wiebe. E. (1984). The Social Construction of Facts and Artefacts: Or How the Sociology of Science and the Sociology of Technology Might Benefit Each Other. Social Studies of Science, 14(3), 399–441.
- Guo, Jerry. (2008). Nepal Counts on Science to Turn Struggling Country Around. Science, 320(5882), 1411.
- Kofman, Ava. (October, 2018). Bruno Latour, the Post-Truth Philosopher, Mounts a Defense of Science. The New York Times Magazine. Retrieved from science.html
4. STS and Post-Colonial Studies
- McNeil, Maureen. (2005). Introduction: Postcolonial Technoscience. Science as Culture, 14(2), 105–112.
- Law, John., & Wen-yuan, Lin. (2017). Provincializing STS: Postcoloniality, Symmetry, and Method. East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal, 11(2), 211–227.
- Visvanathan, Shiv. (2006). Alternative Science. Theory, Culture & Society, 23(2–3), 164– 169.
- Cameron, Mary. (2010). Feminization and Marginalization? Women Ayurvedic Doctors and Modernizing Health Care in Nepal. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 24(1), 42–63.
- Alzebra (The Art and Ideas Club). (28 Sept 2017). Shiv Visvanathan & Mukta Dabholkar @Algebra. Retrieved from .
5. STS and Gender Studies
- Martin, Emily. (1991). The Egg and the Sperm: How Science has Constructed a Romance based on Stereotypical Male-Female Roles. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 16(3), 485–501.
- Tabet, Paola. (1982). Hands, Tools, Weapons. Feminist Issues, 2(2), 3–62.
- Buchy, Marlene., & Subba, Suman. (2003). Why is Community Forestry a Social-and Gender-blind Technology? The case of Nepal. Gender, Technology and Development, 7(3), 313–332.
6. STS and Participation/Public Understand of Science
- Irwin, Alan. (2006). The Politics of Talk: Coming to Terms with the ‘New’scientific Governance. Social Studies of Science, 36(2), 299–320.
- Lengwiler, Martin. (2008). Participatory Approaches in Science and Technology: Historical Origins and Current Practices in Critical Perspective. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 33(2), 186–200.
- Thorpe, Charles. (2010). Participation as Post-Fordist Politics: Demos, New Labour, and Science Policy. Minerva, 48(4), 389–411.
- Karki, Ajoy. (2017) Micro and Small Hydro: Serial Leapfrogging to a Braver New Nepal. Aid, Technology and Development: The Lessons from Nepal. New York: Routledge. 113–131.
- Pandey, Bikash. (2015). Track II – Nepal's Pluralistic Hydropower Development Post- Arun. Chautari Foundation Lecture. 1–17.
7. STS and New Media Studies
- Bowker, Geoffrey. C., Baker, Karen., Millerand, Florence., & Ribes, David. (2009). Toward Information Infrastructure Studies: Ways of Knowing in a Networked Environment. In International handbook of internet research (pp. 97–117). Springer Netherlands.
- Balbi, Gabriele., Delfanti, Alessandro., & Magaudda, Paola. (2016). Digital Circulation: Media, Materiality, Infrastructures. An Introduction. TECNOSCIENZA: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies, 7(1), 7–16.
- Pandey, Shailesh., & Regmi, Nischal. (2017). Changing connectivities and renewed priorities: Status and challenges facing Nepali Internet. First Monday, 23(1).
- Ang, Peng. Hwa., Tekwani, Shyam., & Wang, Guozhen. (2012). Shutting Down the Mobile Phone and the Downfall of Nepalese Society, Economy and Politics. Pacific Affairs, 85(3), 547–561.
8. STS and Infrastructure
- Larkin, Brian. (2013). The Politics and Poetics of Infrastructure. Annual Review of Anthropology, 42, 327–343.
- Rankin, Katharine N., Sigdel, Tulasi S., Rai, Lagan., Kunwar, Shyam., & Hamal, Pushpa. (2017). Political Economies and Political Rationalities of Road Building in Nepal. Studies in Nepali History and Society. 22(1), 43–84.
- Upadhya, Madhukar. (2017). Bhattedanda Milkyway: why a climate – and mountain- friendly technology continues to be ignored. In Dipak Gyawali, Micheal Thompson and Marco Verweij (Eds.), Aid Technology and Development: The Lessons from Nepal(pp. 77–95). New York: Routledge.
9. STS and Environment (with Tom Robertson)
- Robertson, Thomas. B. (2018). DDT and the Cold War Jungle: American Environmental and Social Engineering in the Rapti Valley of Nepal. The Journal of American History, 104(4), 904–930.
- Robertson, Thomas. (2016). Cold War landscapes: towards an environmental history of US development programmes in the 1950s and 1960s. Cold War History, 16(4), 417–441.
- Robertson, Tom. (March, 2018). The insect that changed Nepal’s history. Nepali Times. Retrieved from
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