साना व्यवसाय र उद्यमीका आफ्नै दुख र केही समाधानका उपाय

- Ashutosh Tiwari

Discussion Type: Mangalbaarey | Date: 04 Jun 2024 | Time: 03:00 PM


4 June 2024/२२ जेठ २०८१ (मंगलबार, दिउँसो ३ बजे)
देशको विद्यमान आर्थिक स्थिति छलफल शृंखला - ३
साना व्यवसाय र उद्यमीका आफ्नै दुख र केही समाधानका उपाय
आशुतोष तिवारी, संस्थापक, सफल पार्टनर्स

About the Speaker
Ashutosh Tiwari started his career in Nepal as a strategist for the kamaiya andolan in Far Western Nepal. After the success of the andolan, he made a career transition to small-business advisory work at GiZ in Nepal, and continued that work at the World Bank's International Finance Corporation (IFC) in Dhaka, Bangladesh. In 2007, he was hired as a turnaround CEO at Himalmedia, where he successfully sorted out the company's long-standing financial, operational and labour-union problems. From Himalmedia, he moved to WaterAid-Nepal as the Country Director -- leading, among others, programs on providing water, toilet and hygiene services for school-going girls, people with disabilities and the elderly in about 28 districts. After WaterAid, he became the CEO at Sherpa Adventure Gear, a high-end outdoor-gear apparel manufacturer that exported Nepal-made apparels to 23 countries around the world.  In 2017, he started his own firm, SAFAL Partners, which does consulting work for both private-sector and development-sector clients, invests in small businesses, and advises non-profits on increasing their impact.

- Ashutosh Tiwari

Past Events

Discussion > Mangalbaarey On

No Discussion due to Dashain Festival