वन्यजन्तु संरक्षणका लागि मानिसबारे बुझ्न किन जरुरी छ?

- कुमार पौडेल

Discussion Type: Research Seminar Series | Date: 17 Sep 2023 | Time: 03:00 PM


17 September 2023/३१ भदौ २०८० (आइतबार, दिउँसो ३ बजे)
Research Seminar Series
वन्यजन्तु संरक्षणका लागि मानिसबारे बुझ्न किन जरुरी छ?
कुमार पौडेल, संरक्षणकर्मी/अनुसन्धाता, संस्थापक, ग्रिनहुड नेपाल

Wildlife are under threat due to various reasons, mainly humans' unsustainable exploitation and interactions. Also, there is growing interest and investments in protecting threatened species and ecosystems, but yet remains a mounting challenge. Since wildlife conservation is a human choice, it’s crucial to understand how people perceive wildlife and their socio-political, economic and cultural relationships. However, there is little effort in understanding humans in conservation, especially in a country like Nepal which has adopted enforcement-based conservation to protect its flagship species in key protected areas. This talk highlights the importance of social science in protecting nature along with ecological science, featuring examples from our experience working in Nepal over a decade.

- कुमार पौडेल

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