Enhancing the Capacity of Rights-based Advocates (Phase-II)
In this project, MC assists local rights-based activists of Madhesh Province to produce high-quality research products that can be used for effective policy debates and for sparking civic dialogue on locally relevant issues.

Enhancing the Capacity of Rights-based Advocates (Dec 2020–Sep 2023) [Phase-II]
Martin Chautari (Chautari) is implementing this project to strengthen the research and leadership capacity of local rights-based activists. In particular, MC will assist them to produce high-quality research products that can be used for effective policy debates and for sparking civic dialogue on locally relevant issues. Building on the success of its prior research and capacity-building program in the central Tarai (Nawalparasi, Rupendihi, Kapilbastu districts), the current project will be implemented exclusively in Province Two (Now the Madhesh Province). This province lags behind others in overall development indicators including those measuring health, education, and general living standards. Despite comprising a fifth of Nepal’s population, the low institutional capacity of civil society groups in this province has led to it being peripheral to critical policy discussions in Kathmandu, thereby perpetuating its continued marginality in important national and local debates. The project has five components: (a) an institutional assessment of civil society and academia in Province Two; (b) identification of trainees and an assessment of their research capacities; (c) design of individual training curricula; (d) mentoring of research, and the subsequent production of a written report/article; and (e) final report dissemination and public outreach.
Abha Lal
Research Assistant (Jan–Jul 2021)
Sohan Sha
Researcher/Project Coordinator, Martin Chautari
Devraj Humagarin
Editor, Martin Chautari

Abha Lal
Research Assistant (Jan–Jul 2021)

Sohan Sha
Researcher/Project Coordinator, Martin Chautari

Devraj Humagarin
Editor, Martin Chautari