Dipak Gyawali

प्राज्ञ, नेपाल विज्ञान तथा प्रविधि प्रज्ञा–प्रतिष्ठान (नास्ट)

Discussion by 'Dipak Gyawali'

Discussion > Mangalbaarey On

Examining the Culture of Science in Nepal

Discussion > Mangalbaarey On

Why are the Nepali Leftists divided into so many parties and factions? What would a 'united' left movement in Nepal look like?

Discussion > Additional Discussions On

नेपालमा गुठीको महत्त्व र उपदेयता

अतिरिक्त छलफल
Discussion > Additional Discussions On

के विज्ञान, के न-विज्ञान ? पोष्टमोडर्निस्ट र खरो वैज्ञानिक बीचको "साइन्स वार" को वर्तमान स्थिति

Philosophy Discussion Organized by Nepal Darsan Adhyayan Kendra