चौतारी पुस्तक शृङ्खला ८३
प्रकाशकीय छ
सम्पादकीय १
नेपालमा जलवायु परिवर्तनको सञ्चारः छापामाध्यमको अध्ययन ३
शरद घिमिरे
नयाँ व्यवस्थामा बुद्धिजीवीको व्यवस्थापनः पञ्चायत, लेखक र रमझमको सम्बन्ध २५
हर्षमान महर्जन
नेपालको समकालीन मूलधारका अंग्रेजी पत्रिकामा ग्रामीण रिपोर्टिङको अवस्था ५५
रूही तिवारी
माइतीघर र अनागरिकमा राष्ट्रको परिकल्पना ७७
बलबहादुर थापा
ग्राफिक्सको प्रयोग र यससँग जोडिएको ‘नेपालीपन’ ९९
दीपक अर्याल
‘बेस्ट सेलर’ बनाउने होडः पुस्तकको बजार प्रवर्द्धनमा मिडियाको उपयोग ११७
अर्जुन पन्थी र देवराज हुमागाईं
मिडिया अध्ययनका आठ अंकः समीक्षात्मक अध्ययन १४३
तिलक पाठक
मिडिया पठन र प्रयोग १७१
खगेन्द्र संग्रौला
भूमिगत रेडियोमा पत्रकारिता गर्दा १८७
कल्पना न्यौपाने
कृष्णप्रसाद बास्तोला, प्रधान सम्पादक/प्रकाशक, आदर्श समाज दैनिक, पोखरा २०१
शेखर पराजुली
पुस्तक समीक्षा
विनोद ढुंगेल, नेपालमा प्रेस काउन्सिलः अनुसन्धानात्मक समकालीन इतिहास २१५
संगीता लामा
दीपक अर्याल, भुवन केसी र तिलक पाठक, सं., मिडिया रिडर २२३
शेखर पराजुली
सम्पादकलाई चिठी २३३
लेखक/सम्पादक परिचय २३७
For those who can't read devnagari, here is a short description of the contents of this issue in English.
Media Adhyayan 9
Edited by Devraj Humagain, Pratyoush Onta, Shekhar Parajulee, Harsha Man Maharjan and Arjun Panthi
2014; Chautari Book Series 83
Pages: vii+238; Price: NRs. 395/- ($25)
Published and distributed by Bhrikuti Academic Publications, Kathmandu
Environmental researcher Sharad Ghimire studies print media coverage of issues related to climate change.
Journalist Ruhi Tewari highlights the shortcomings of rural journalism in the mainstream English daily newspapers of Nepal [translated version of the article originally published in English in Studies in Nepali History and Society, vol 17 no. 1, June 2012].
Media historian Harsha Man Maharjan analyzes how the then royal palace managed intellectuals during the Panchayat era through a reading of Ramjham, a magazine published by the palace.
Cultural Studies expert Bal Bahadur Thapa compares two Nepali feature films, Maitighar and Anagarik, to show how they have promote two different imaginations about the Nepali nation.
Media historian Deepak Aryal examines the role of graphics in print media in the construction of Nepali nationalism.
Media researchers Arjun Panthi and Devraj Humagain describe recent trends in book publishing and the links between commercially successful books and media industry.
Media researcher and practitioner Tilak Pathak reviews the strengths and weaknesses of the first eight issues of Media Adhyayan.
Famous writer Khagendra Sangraula recounts his habits of reading and consuming Nepali media over the years.
Political activist Kalpana Neupane remembers her days at ‘Radio Janaganatantra Nepal,’ a Maoist-run underground radio during the active conflict years.
One of the founding editors of this journal, Shekhar Parajulee, interviews Krishna Prasad Bastola, chief editor/publisher of the daily newspaper Aadarsha Samaj published from Pokhara.
Book Reviews
Former chair of Working Women Journalists Sangeeta Lama reviews the comprehensive book on Press Council Nepal written by journalist Binod Dhungel.
Shekhar Parajulee reviews Media Reader edited by Deepak Aryal, Bhuwan KC and Tilak Pathak.
Further details on Media Adhyayan journal can be found at:
Author index covering all published issues of Media Adhyayan can be found at: