Who is Responsible for their Future? Findings on Survey and Interviews on Transnational Migrant Children Returned from Japan to Nepal

- Masako Tanaka

Discussion Type: Mangalbaarey | Date: 03 Sep 2024 | Time: 03:00 PM


3 September 2024/१८ भदौ २०८१ (मंगलबार, दिउँसो ३ बजे)
Research Seminar Series
Who is Responsible for their Future? Findings on Survey and Interviews on Transnational Migrant Children Returned from Japan to Nepal 
Masako Tanaka, Professor in Faculty of Global Studies, Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan

About the Speaker:
Masako Tanaka is a certified social worker, activist and academic teaching gender and migration issues in Japan. Based on her working experiences in Nepal since the 1990s, she is currently leading a project titled "Migrant Children's Language Education (MICLE)". One of her latest articles is Tanaka, M., Manandhar Shrestha, R., Shah, R., Bhandari, D., & Gyawali, B. (2023) "Gaps in Migrants' Access to Contraceptive Services: A Survey of Nepalese Women and Men in Japan", Healthcare, 12(13), 1320.

- Masako Tanaka

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